Heart health
March 4, 2021

How COVID affects your heart rate | IDOVEN

In today's post we will try to explain a complex issue that is being the subject of numerous studies by the scientific community:

Changes in heart rate in relation to COVID-19 infection.

One of our customers told us the following:

"I had a much higher average pulse rate than normal for two days. As you have been able to observe in the measurement that I have made with IDOVENI have had two days with an average pulse rate of 70 beats when my average is usually around 55".

A few days later she wrote to tell us that she had tested positive for COVID-19 and that the two most intense days of the illness, when she was febrile, were the same days when her pulse rate was above 70 beats on average.

In order to understand what happens to our cardiac system in the face of a viral disease such as COVID-19, we will explain what happens during and after overcoming the SARS-CoV2 virus infection.

Changes inheart rate during COVID-19:

The first thing to know is that our heart is prepared to increase the heart rate in certain situations, such as exercise or stress, either physical, such as illness or emotional. The increase of the pulse is normal with any illness that causes fever, so the heart rate usually increases about 15 beats per minute for each degree centigrade of temperature rise.

Viral infections are well known to be the cause of acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias or the onset or worsening of heart failure episodes. The new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is therefore a new cause of cardiovascular problems.

The increased pulse rate can give us information that something is happening in our body, as was the case of our client: he analyzed the state of his heart and after finding these changes in heart rate associated with compatible symptoms, the test for SARS-CoV2 virus detection was performed, giving positive.

In order to monitor the average pulse rate, hours of sleep or changes in body temperature, various studies are being carried out using smartwatches as a reference. With the monitoring that we carry out from IDOVEN This makes it possible to achieve more accurate diagnoses. Remember that you can see the difference between a smartwatch in this post you can see the difference between a smartwatch and IDOVEN's services.

From IDOVEN,we recommend medical assessment if you have fever, cough and shortness of breath, which are the main symptoms of COVID-19.

Changes in heart rate after COVID-19:

Once the disease is over, it can be normal for it to be difficult to recover the previous cardiac activity, and you may feel short of breath and tired for a few days and, in some cases, weeks.

One of the problems associated with the COVID-19 epidemic is that we are seeing a remarkable number of patients with persistent symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, or chest discomfort after apparently successfully overcoming the disease. According to one study, up to 20% of patients admitted for COVID-19 have heart damage and up to 60% of patients who have recently had COVID-19 have signs of myocardial inflammation. Data that force us to keep an even closer eye on the state of our heart.

It may therefore be useful to check our cardiac system if we perceive alterations in the pulse after overcoming the disease. To do this, we can make use of our professional cardiology service at a distanceWe can check our heart rate, since we can know in less than a week what is the state of our heart and analyse the possible alterations of our cardiac system.

If you want to know what we can do for you IDOVEN for you or you have doubts about our services you can contact us at contact@idoven.ai

Lexie Walker
Writter Idoven

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